Supported GSS Devices


Our Lodging Link product line supports hundreds of hotel Guest Service System (GSS) devices. Please choose a device class to view all the devices for that class.

Alternatively, you can conduct a text search by entering a specific manufacturer or model name to find GSS devices that match that criteria. Text searches are not case sensitive.

For DMM searches, use dmm:xxx where xxx is the DMM number you want to search for.



Manufacturer Model DMM Serial TCP/IP HTTP Notes
360 Networks, LLC ComXChange IP PBX 343 *Please note: This interface is the same as the standard HCX5000 Series with no Mailbox Integrity Flag Settings, however it will not send any Credit Limit information to the PBX
Adapt Telephony Services, LLC Interaction Center 3.0 396
Alcatel Telecom 4400 - v 2.1 with Rolling DIDs 393 This interface now supports automatic Wakeup.

Also Supports Call Accounting Functionality
Alcatel Telecom 4400 - v 3.1 (TCP/IP) 388 This interface now supports automatic Wakeup.

Supports Call Accounting Functionality.
Alcatel Telecom 4400 - v 3.1 UK Version 395 This interface now supports automatic Wakeup.

Supports Call Accounting Functionality. This is a UK only version of the interface
Alcatel Telecom 4400 - v 3.1 US Version (Serial) 391 This interface now supports automatic Wakeup.

Supports Call Accounting Functionality. This is a US only Version of the Interface
Alcatel Telecom 4400 - v 3.1 with Rolling DIDs (Serial) 392 This interface now supports automatic Wakeup.

Also Supports Call Accounting Functionality

For serial communication.
Alcatel Telecom 4400 - v 3.1 with Rolling DIDs (TCP/IP) 390 This interface now supports automatic Wakeup.

Also Supports Call Accounting Functionality.

For TCP/IP communication.
Alcatel Telecom OmniPCX (Office OHL R1.5) 394 This interface now supports automatic Wakeup.Communicates Via TCP/IP only. Also Supports Call Accounting Functionality
Alcatel Telecom OmniPCX Enterprise (Serial) 391 This interface now supports automatic Wakeup.

Supports Call Accounting Functionality.
Alcatel Telecom OmniPCX Enterprise (TCP/IP) 388 This interface now supports automatic Wakeup.

Supports Call Accounting Functionality.
Alcatel Telecom OmniPCX Enterprise with Rolling DIDs (Serial) 392 This interface follows the AHL Edition 3 protocol for serial communication.
Alcatel Telecom OmniPCX Enterprise with Rolling DIDs (TCP/IP) 390 This interface follows the AHL Edition 3 protocol for TCP/IP communication.
Altura F9600ES 328 This interface now supports automatic Wakeup.
Atlas Innfone Atlas Innfone 333 This interface now supports automatic Wakeup.
Avaya Definity and Guestworks Series ASCII Mode 352 *This interface runs in ASCII Mode. Additionally, this interface will support both resync and no resync versions. This interface has been enhanced to support Wake-ups. Avaya patch SA8684 must be applied by the PBX vendor to support it.
Avaya Definity and Guestworks Series ASCII Mode with support for extended field lengths (ext and name) 349 *This Interface is ASCII Mode, and supports extended field lengths (ext and name). To use this interface, make sure your Telcom Vendor has applied Avaya Patch # patch SA8662. Additionally, this interface will support both resync and no resync versions.
Avaya Definity ECS R 5.4 Transparent Mode 351 This interface now supports Resync functionality. New Maid Code statuses have been added. Please refer to the UHLL Addendum Specification. Additionally, this interface will support both resync and no resync versions.
Avaya Definity ECS R 6 Transparent Mode 351 This interface now supports Resync functionality. New Maid Code statuses have been added. Please refer to the UHLL Addendum Specification. Additionally, this interface will support both resync and no resync versions.
Avaya Definity Generic 1 Transparent Mode 351 This interface now supports Resync functionality. New Maid Code statuses have been added. Please refer to the UHLL Addendum Specification. Additionally, this interface will support both resync and no resync versions.
Avaya Definity Generic 3 Transparent Mode 351 This interface now supports Resync functionality. New Maid Code statuses have been added. Please refer to the UHLL Addendum Specification. Additionally, this interface will support both resync and no resync versions.
Avaya Guestworks Server Transparent Mode 351 This interface now supports Resync functionality. New Maid Code statuses have been added. Please refer to the UHLL Addendum Specification. Additionally, this interface will support both resync and no resync versions.
Blue Mountain Software, LLC M-Suites Flex and Cloud 386 *Please Note: This is a UHLL Protocol Compliant Interface. Please make sure the installer loads the UHLL Protocol at setup time. If you have any questions, please write to [email protected]
Callista Group Callista Link 382 Uses CaracasLink Protocol Version 4.2. This interface now supports automatic Wakeup.
Cloggs Hospitality Interface Rev 1.01 345 This interface now supports automatic Wakeup.
Comdial Impact Concierge 342 This interface now supports automatic Wakeup.
ComTelco Hospitality Communication System 397 This Interface uses the Oracle Micros Fidelio (FIAS) protocol.
Connect Call Global Uni-Com Controller V1.0 371 *Please Note: This is a UHLL Protocol Compliant Interface. Please make sure the installer loads the UHLL Protocol at setup time. If you have any questions, please write to [email protected]
Data DPS WinTAP 346 *Please note: This interface also includes Call Accounting and Minibar Posting Functionality
Dialexia Communications Inc Hero 4.3 318 *Please Note: This is a UHLL Protocol Compliant Interface. Please make sure the installer loads the UHLL Protocol at setup time. If you have any questions, please write to [email protected]. This is a multi-function Device that also supports Voicemai
Digital Voice Corporation DBX 1200/5000 372
DuVoice DV4 & DV2000 systems Version: 4.0.53 and above 341 *Please Note: In addition to PBX functionality such as checkin, guest name display, Maid Status etc, this interface also supports Voicemail
EADS Telecom Maid Status Interface 337
ECI Telecom Coral 305
Ericsson BP 250 via CIL4; Computer Communications Type 4 360 This interface now supports automatic Wakeup.
Ericsson CIL4; Computer Communications Type 2 368 This interface now supports automatic Wakeup.
Ericsson CIL4; Computer Communications Type 4 360 This interface now supports automatic Wakeup.
Ericsson CILHotel; Computer Communications Type 2 367 This interface now supports automatic Wakeup.
Ericsson CILHotel; Computer Communications Type 4 361 This interface now supports automatic Wakeup.
Ericsson MD110 362
FCS Computer Systems WinSuite v1.3 Simplified 650 *Please Note: This Device Also Supports Call Accounting and Voicemail Functionality
Fortinet Technologies Canada Inc Fortinet Fortivoice 324 *Please Note: This is a UHLL Protocol Compliant Interface. Please make sure the installer loads the UHLL Protocol at setup time. If you have any questions, please write to [email protected]
Fujitsu E-600 327
Fujitsu F9600 BP 328 This interface now supports automatic Wakeup.
Full Service Network FSN Cloud PBX 332 Please Note: This is a UHLL Protocol Compliant Interface that uses HTTP. Lodging Link CC is required.
Geosoft Geosoft 358 This interface now supports automatic Wakeup.
GrayMatter Networks BrainBox Select, Adapt, Expand, Transform (4 models) 319 *Please Note: This is a UHLL Protocol Compliant Interface. Please make sure the installer loads the UHLL Protocol at setup time. If you have any questions, please write to [email protected]
HControl Corporation VOIP (Broadsoft) / IP Movie (Minerva) HControl BackOffice, V1.0 326 *Please Note: Although classified as a PBX, this device also supports movie system functionality as well as Call Charge Postings
Hitachi DX 341
Hitachi HCX 5100 341
Hitachi HCX 5100 (with VM) 340
Hitachi HCX 5200 341
Hitachi HCX 5200 (with VM) 340
Hitachi HCX 5300 341
Hitachi HCX 5300 (with VM) 340
Hitachi HCX 5400 341
Hitachi HCX 5400 (with VM) 340
Hitachi HCX 5500 341
Hitachi HCX 5500 (with VM) 340
Hitachi HCX5000 No Credit Limit 343 *Please note: This interface is the same as the standard HCX5000 Series with no Mailbox Integrity Flag Settings, however it will not send any Credit Limit information to the PBX
Imagicle S.p.a. PMSLink 2 303 *Please Note: This is a UHLL Protocol Compliant Interface. Please make sure the installer loads the UHLL Protocol at setup time. If you have any questions, please write to [email protected]. This interface also supports Call Accounting functionality
Inter-Tel System Hotel Manager 218 This interface now supports automatic Wakeup.
iPecs MG Receive 377 *Please Note: This interface must be used in conjunction with DMM 376 to function properl
iPecs MG Send 376 *Please Note: This interface must be used in conjunction with DMM 377 to function properly
iPecs UCP eMG 379
Iwatsu ADIX 384 This interface now supports automatic Wakeup.
Iwatsu ECS - Enterprise Communications Server 384 This interface now supports automatic Wakeup.
Jurudata (JDS) DialLink 363 *Please note: This interface also includes Call Accounting and Minibar Posting Functionality
Jurudata (JDS) Winpac Version 1.0 364 *Please note: This is a multifunction device that not only supports PBX, but Call Accounting, Postings, and other services as well.
Larsson WorkMan HVS 2.1 357
LG Electronics, Inc. Aria 130 (LG LDK 100) 374
LG Electronics, Inc. LDK-300 374
Micronic Korea Co.,LTD. Key-Truster System (KTS) 331 This Interface uses the Oracle Micros Fidelio (FIAS) protocol.
Mitel 3300 ICP 334 This interface now supports automatic Wakeup.
Mitel 3300 MCD MiVoice Business 334 This interface now supports automatic Wakeup
Mitel DMM 334 Clone A 985 This interface is to be used only when loading the Mitel PBX Interface and you wish to have a second PBX System that uses the DMM 334 interface on the same LL unit.
Mitel DMM 334 Clone B 986 This interface is to be used only when loading the Mitel PBX Interface and you wish to have a second PBX System that uses the DMM 334 interface on the same LL unit.
Mitel DMM 334 Clone C 919 This interface is to be used only when loading the Mitel PBX Interface and you wish to have a second PBX System that uses the DMM 334 interface on the same LL unit.
Mitel SX-200 Digital 333 This interface now supports automatic Wakeup.
Mitel SX-200 EL 333 This interface now supports automatic Wakeup.
Mitel SX-200 ICP 333 This interface now supports automatic Wakeup.
Mitel SX-200 Light 333 This interface now supports automatic Wakeup.
Mitel SX-200 ML 333 This interface now supports automatic Wakeup.
Mitel SX-2000 Light 333 This interface now supports automatic Wakeup.
Mitel SX-2000 Lightware 31 334 This interface now supports automatic Wakeup.
Mitel SX-2000 Micro Light 333 This interface now supports automatic Wakeup.
Mitel SX-2000 S 333 This interface now supports automatic Wakeup.
Mitel SX-2000 SG 333 This interface now supports automatic Wakeup.
Mitel SX-2000 VS 333 This interface now supports automatic Wakeup.
Mix Networks Inc Netsapiens Media Server 944 *Please Note: This is a UHLL Protocol Compliant Interface. Please make sure the installer loads the UHLL Protocol at setup time. If you have any questions, please write to [email protected]
NEC Aspire 308
NEC Electra Elite IPK II Serial 310 This interface uses the model 90 Protocol and communicates via Serial Port
NEC Electra Elite IPK II TCPIP 314 This interface uses the model 90 Protocol and communicates via TCP/IP
NEC NEAX 1000 IVS 315 This interface now supports automatic Wakeup.
NEC NEAX 1400 311 This interface now supports automatic Wakeup.
NEC NEAX 2000 IPS IP Version 316
NEC NEAX 2000 IPS Serial Version 315 This interface now supports automatic Wakeup.
NEC NEAX 2000 IVS 315 This interface now supports automatic Wakeup.
NEC NEAX 2400 ICS / IMX - 120 313 This interface now supports automatic Wakeup.
NEC NEAX 2400 ICS / IMX - 90 313 This interface now supports automatic Wakeup.
NEC NEAX 2400 ICS / IMX /IMS - 60 311 This interface now supports automatic Wakeup.
NEC NEAX 2400 IPX - 90 309 This interface now supports automatic Wakeup.
NEC SV8100 Serial Version 310 This interface uses the model 90 Protocol and communicates via Serial Port
NEC SV8100 TCP/IP Version 314 This interface uses the model 90 Protocol and communicates via TCP/IP
NEC SV8300 316
NEC SV9100 NEAX 90-K Protocol 323 This interface uses the NEAX Model 90-K Protocol and communicates via TCP/IP.
NEC SV9100 TCP/IP Version 307 This interface uses the NEAX Model 90 Protocol and communicates via TCP/IP.
NEC UNIVERGE SV7000 309 This interface now supports automatic Wakeup.
NEC UNIVERGE SV8500 309 ACK/NAK is not supported and must be disabled on the device.
NEC UNIVERGE SV9100 (KTS-i) 369 This interface uses the KTS-i Protocol with 5 digit extensions and ENQ over TCP/IP.
NEC UNIVERGE SV9500 309 ACK/NAK is not supported and must be disabled on the device.
Nevotek V/IP Suite 399 Although classified as a PBX, this is a multifunction device that performs many services. Note that all interface functionality is handled through a single port. *Please Note: This is a UHLL Protocol Compliant Interface. Please make sure the installer loads the UHLL Protocol at setup time. If you have any questions, please write to [email protected]
Nitsuko 384i 341
Nortel Networks Galileo 214 This interface now supports automatic Wakeup.
Nortel Networks Galileo Option 11C 214 This interface now supports automatic Wakeup.
Nortel Networks HMS 400 213 *Please note: This is a voicemail management system that supports all of the standard Nortel Meridian PBX functionality. Additionally, This interface now supports automatic Wakeup.

Uses the Nortel Meridian SL1 Protocol
Nortel Networks Meridian 1 Option 1 214 This interface now supports automatic Wakeup.
Nortel Networks Meridian 2250 214 This interface now supports automatic Wakeup.
Nortel Networks Meridian 2260 214 This interface now supports automatic Wakeup.
Nortel Networks Meridian BT 214 This interface now supports automatic Wakeup.
Nortel Networks Meridian M1250 214 This interface now supports automatic Wakeup.
Nortel Networks Meridian SL-1 Option 11C 214 This interface now supports automatic Wakeup.
Nortel Networks Meridian SL-1 Option 11E 214 This interface now supports automatic Wakeup.
Nortel Networks Meridian SL-1 Option 21 214 This interface now supports automatic Wakeup.
Nortel Networks Meridian SL-1 Option 51E 214 This interface now supports automatic Wakeup.
Nortel Networks Meridian SL-1 Option 61C 214 This interface now supports automatic Wakeup.
Nortel Networks Meridian SL-1 Option 81C 214 This interface now supports automatic Wakeup.
Nortel Networks Meridian SL-1 with VM 214 This interface now supports automatic Wakeup.
Nortel Networks MeridianSL1 DID Disabled 215 This interface now supports automatic Wakeup.
Panasonic HAI 373 *Please Note: This interface uses the Panasonic HAI Protocol.
PBillX Inc FreePBX P$X 3.0.2 371 *Please Note: This is a UHLL Protocol Compliant Interface. Please make sure the installer loads the UHLL Protocol at setup time. If you have any questions, please write to [email protected]
pbxnsip Inc Software Rev : 398 *Please Note: This is a UHLL Protocol Compliant Interface. Please make sure the installer loads the UHLL Protocol at setup time. If you have any questions, please write to [email protected]
Percipia Networks Cisco CallManager (CCM) 351 This interface now supports Resync functionality. New Maid Code statuses have been added. Please refer to the UHLL Addendum Specification. Additionally, this interface will support both resync and no resync versions.
Percipia Networks Parallax 8.6.3 325 *Please Note: This is a UHLL Protocol Compliant Interface. Please make sure the installer loads the UHLL Protocol at setup time. If you have any questions, please write to [email protected]
Philips Management@Net 1.1 or higher (EAI) 353 Uses SysManager 410 release 4.5 and higher
Philips Sopho 2000 IPS 315 This interface now supports automatic Wakeup.
Philips SOPHO iS3000 Series with SSW 805.30 or higher 353 Uses SysManager 410 release 4.5 and higher
Philips SysManager 410 release 4.5 and higher (EAI) 353 Uses SysManager 410 release 4.5 and higher
PhoneSuite, a division of Call Management Produ... IP-PBX Software psip-pms interface 1.050 and later 354 This interface supports PBX, Voicemail and Call Accounting Functionality. *Please Note: This is a UHLL Protocol Compliant Interface. Please make sure the installer loads the UHLL Protocol at setup time. If you have any questions, please write to [email protected]
PSE Group Ltd Hospitality Service Center V2.6 (HSC V2.6) 304 *Please Note: This Interface uses the HSC Hostlink protocol specification (TCP/IP) V 1.3
Samsung DCS 320 This interface now supports automatic Wakeup.
Samsung iDCS 500 321 This interface now supports automatic Wakeup.
Siemens Caracas Link 380 Uses CaracasLink Protocol Version 4.1. This interface now supports automatic Wakeup.
Siemens HICOM 381 Uses CaracasLink Protocol Version 4.0. This interface supports automatic Wakeup.
Siemens Hicom 150 E/H Hicom 300 E/H HiPath 3000 HiPath 4000 HiPath Hotel Advanced V4.2 382 Uses CaracasLink Protocol Version 4.2. This interface now supports automatic Wakeup.
Siemens Hicom 150E/150H/300E/300H 380 Uses CaracasLink Protocol Version 4.1. This interface now supports automatic Wakeup.
Siemens Hicom 150E/200/300 381 Uses CaracasLink Protocol Version 4.0. This interface supports automatic Wakeup.
Siemens Hicom TCPIP 383 Uses CaracasLink Protocol Version 4.0. This interface now supports automatic Wakeup. This is a TCP/IP only interface
SRComms SCMS 370 This interface now supports automatic Wakeup.

This PBX Interface Also supports Call Accounting and Minbar Posting
Swisscom Hospitality Services Swisscom V3 330 *Please Note: This is a UHLL Protocol Compliant Interface. Please make sure the installer loads the UHLL Protocol at setup time. If you have any questions, please write to [email protected]
Tadiran Telecom Coral FlexiCom 5000 305
Tadiran Telecom Coral FlexiCom 6000 305
Tadiran Telecom Coral IPx 3000 305
Tadiran Telecom Coral IPx 4000 305
Tadiran Telecom Coral IPx 500 305
Tadiran Telecom Coral IPx 800 305
Tadiran Telecom Coral IPx Office 305
Tadiran Telecom UHLL Compliant 306 This is a UHLL compliant device.
Telecom Eye Ltd CallScope v2.18 and Higher 329 *Please Note: This is a UHLL Protocol Compliant Interface. Please make sure the installer loads the UHLL Protocol at setup time. If you have any questions, please write to [email protected]
Telephone Management Systems (TMS) Boss 300 This interface now supports automatic Wakeup.

This is a Bi-Directional Interface
Telephone Management Systems (TMS) Comtelco Unidrectional (Callstar) 301
Telephone Management Systems (TMS) Horizon 300 This interface now supports automatic Wakeup.

This is a Bi-Directional Interface
Tiger Communications Hotel 2000 370 This interface now supports automatic Wakeup.

This PBX Interface Also supports Call Accounting and Minbar Posting
Tiger Communications Hotel 2020 370 This interface now supports automatic Wakeup.

This PBX Interface Also supports Call Accounting and Minbar Posting
Tiger Communications Hotel CUB 370 This interface now supports automatic Wakeup.

This PBX Interface Also supports Call Accounting and Minbar Posting
Tiger Communications Hotel PRO 370 This interface now supports automatic Wakeup.

This PBX Interface Also supports Call Accounting and Minbar Posting
Toshiba DK424 341
Toshiba Ultimate InnService for Strata CIX (PBX) 341 *Please Note: If this interface is being used in conjunction with the Ultimate InnService for Strata CIX Call Accounting interface, you will need to request one interface for PBX and one for Call Accounting as part of your build.
TransTel Communications SK-200H 375 This Interface uses the Oracle Micros Fidelio (FIAS) protocol.
Vertical TeleVantage 389 Although classified as a PBX, this is a multifunction device that also handles Call Accountig and Voicemail. Note that all interface functionality is handled through a single port. *Please Note: This is a UHLL Protocol Compliant Interface. Please make sure the installer loads the UHLL Protocol at setup time. If you have any questions, please write to [email protected]
Vodia Networks Vodia PBX 5.2.5 302 *Please Note: This is a UHLL Protocol Compliant Interface. Please make sure the installer loads the UHLL Protocol at setup time. If you have any questions, please write to [email protected]