Supported GSS Devices


Our Lodging Link product line supports hundreds of hotel Guest Service System (GSS) devices. Please choose a device class to view all the devices for that class.

Alternatively, you can conduct a text search by entering a specific manufacturer or model name to find GSS devices that match that criteria. Text searches are not case sensitive.

For DMM searches, use dmm:xxx where xxx is the DMM number you want to search for.


Energy Management/BAS:

Manufacturer Model DMM Serial TCP/IP HTTP Notes
AFDtek Solutions Fastek - Fas-BAC 745 *Please Note: This is a UHLL Protocol Compliant Interface. Please make sure the installer loads the UHLL Protocol at setup time. If you have any questions, please write to [email protected]
Alerton BCM Hotel Rev. 0004 77 735 *Please Note: This Interface must be set to the "Custom Protocol" to ensure the device sends "W" for ACK and "/" for NAK
Automated Logic Corporation WebPRTL 700 *Please Note: This is a UHLL Protocol Compliant Interface. Please make sure the installer loads the UHLL Protocol at setup time. If you have any questions, please write to [email protected]
Channel Parity Inc. GreenLink Smart/1.0 and EMS/1.0 751 *Please Note: This is a UHLL Protocol Compliant Interface. Please make sure the installer loads the UHLL Protocol at setup time. If you have any questions, please write to [email protected]. This device supports many new features of the UHLL Addendum Specification. Please consult the newest version of the spec as well as our OCX downloads page.
DWARPAAL CONNECT 708 *Please Note: This is a UHLL Protocol Compliant Interface. Please make sure the installer loads the UHLL Protocol at setup time. If you have any questions, please write to [email protected].
Ecolodgix InnGenius 1.2.7 761 *Please Note: This is a UHLL Protocol Compliant Interface. Please make sure the installer loads the UHLL Protocol at setup time. If you have any questions, please write to [email protected]
Fab Controls Integration Gateway IG01 705
HomAtion ProAtion 715
Honeywell BCM Hotel Rev. 0004 77 735 *Please Note: This Interface must be set to the "Custom Protocol" to ensure the device sends "W" for ACK and "/" for NAK
INNCOM International INNCOM CIS 735 *Please Note: This Interface uses the Standard Scientific Atlanta protocol. This Interface must be set to the "Custom Protocol" to ensure the device sends "W" for ACK and "/" for NAK.
Lutron myRoom Plus 3.3.275 (and higher) with Hotel Integration 0.32.0 (and higher) 726 Lodging Link CC with UHLL v16.5 required.
McQuay International McQuay InnSaver V 1.0 / V 2.0 710 *Please Note: This is a UHLL Protocol Compliant Interface. Please make sure the installer loads the UHLL Protocol at setup time. If you have any questions, please write to [email protected]
Metronic Card Access Management System & Air Cond Billing System 749 *Please Note: This is a UHLL Protocol Compliant Interface. Please make sure the installer loads the UHLL Protocol at setup time. If you have any questions, please write to [email protected]
NRG Management Systems, Inc. Energy Management System 750
Pepperl+Fuchs Comtrol, Inc. Generic Modbus EMS 701 *Please Note: This interface requires the use of Comtrol DeviceMaster UP (ICDM). Information can be found here:
PolarSoft Inc BAS Gateway BACroom v3.06 752 *Please Note: This is a UHLL Protocol Compliant Interface. Please make sure the installer loads the UHLL Protocol at setup time. If you have any questions, please write to [email protected]
Prolon Control Systems Lonbox PFG4000 755 This interface now supports Resync functionality. This Interface uses the Oracle Micros Fidelio (FIAS) protocol.
Schneider Electric/Centralite Systems Cassia/Entrexx 760 *Please Note: This is a UHLL Protocol Compliant Interface.
Scientific Control Systems, Inc P.C. Energy Hotel HCS 735
SenerComm UHLL Compliant 725 *Please Note: This is a UHLL Protocol Compliant Interface. Please make sure the installer loads the UHLL Protocol at setup time. If you have any questions, please write to [email protected]
Siemens All 746 Uses FIAS protocol for serial communication only.
Telkonet Inc EcoCommander Pro 4 739 *Please Note: This is a UHLL Protocol Compliant Interface. Please make sure the installer loads the UHLL Protocol at setup time. If you have any questions, please write to [email protected]
Verdant Energy Management Solutions All Verdant Thermostats 735 *Please Note: This Interface must be set to the "Custom Protocol" to ensure the device sends "W" for ACK and "/" for NAK
WiSuite.Com Inc WiSuite 720 *Please Note: This Interface uses the Standard Scientific Atlanta protocol with the exception that it supports Alphanumeric room numbers and its associated checksum.