Supported GSS Devices


Our Lodging Link product line supports hundreds of hotel Guest Service System (GSS) devices. Please choose a device class to view all the devices for that class.

Alternatively, you can conduct a text search by entering a specific manufacturer or model name to find GSS devices that match that criteria. Text searches are not case sensitive.

For DMM searches, use dmm:xxx where xxx is the DMM number you want to search for.


Call Accounting:

Manufacturer Model DMM Serial TCP/IP HTTP Notes
Alcatel Telecom 4200 - v 1.5.5 647
Alcatel Telecom 4200 - v 3.0 648
Alcatel Telecom 4200 - v 3.1 648
Amtel Smarty 653
Atlas 500 653
Avaya KSA+ (Holidex) 692
Avaya KSA+ (MICROS) 637
Avotus Intelecontrol 643
Bell Hobic All 671
CA-Vision.Net CA-Vision V12.4.0.1 (Holidex) 653
Call-A-Matic Hobic 653
Call-A-Matic Holidex 653
Call-A-Matic Micros 637
Callista Group Callista 662
CDR of Washington 3750 Hobic 610
Char Systems Development Hotel Telephone Admin 643
Comdial Hobic 653
Comdial Holidex 653
Comdial Micros 637
Comm One Call Accounting for Hotel/Motel 643
CSS CSS “Dial-Log Live Max” Ver 6.4 653
Cubix MP-7 Meter pulse replicator Ver 656
Ericsson MD110 638
ERMEZ Hard & Soft AQCT 32 653
ESI PhoneBill - Holidex 653
ESI PhoneBill - Micros 637
Executech GAPhone v980717.1 660
FCS Computer Systems WinSuite v1.3 Simplified 650 *Please Note: This Device Also Supports PBX and Voicemail Functionality
Genesis Holidex (Format 1) 653
Genesis Micros (Format 2) 637
GoldStar GDK162 656
Hitachi DX 653
Hitachi HCX 5100 (Call Accounting) 653
Hitachi HCX 5200 (Call Accounting) 653
Hitachi HCX 5300 (Call Accounting) 653
Hitachi HCX 5400 (Call Accounting) 653
Hitachi HCX 5500 (Call Accounting) 653
Homisco Hobic 653
Homisco Holidex 653
Homisco Micros 637
Homisco Protocol Tech. Interface 653
HSD (Hansen Software) CASH 653
Inn-Client Server Systems (ICSS) Standard 653
InnOvation InnCharge 653
InnSoft Call-Inn 637
InnTel 1500 653
InnTel 1500 Micros 637
Intech Housecall$ - Holidex 653
Intech Housecall$ - Micros 637
Intech HouseCall$ - Standard 643
Inter-Tel System Hotel Manager 653
ISI Infortext 653
MATRA - Nortel MC 7500 - V1 640
Matracom 45xx 663
MDR 5000 653
Metropolis Technologies Profit Watch 653
Microcall Hobic 653
Micros Generic - B 637
Micros - Sweden Protocol Tech. Interface 653
Microtel Hobic 653
Microtel Microcall 637
Midas Management Systems Property Management Interface TCP/IP version 6.1 240 *Please Note, this device Supports Call Accounting, Voicemail, Minibar Postings, and Some PABX Functionality as well as other posting types.
Mitel MDR 5000 653
Mitel Pulse 634
Mitel SMDR 645
Netas Diginet DX-1 659
Nortel Networks Journal - FMX000 653
Orbitel 3.51 653
Samsung ProStar DCS 621
Scout G Micros 637
SDD Jazz 643
SDD Jazz Fusion 653
SDD Jazz Standard PMS v102203 366 *Please Note; This interface provides checkin/checkout functionality to the SDD JAZZ Call Accounting System and is handled through a seperate port. For call postings, also select the SDD JAZZ Interface DMM 643.
SDT CallView (MICROS) 637
Siemens Hobic 653
Soft-Ex Ltd. Telephony Manager/RingMaster 680
Sumus Standard 625
Symantics Front Desk 662
TABS 2000/2000 653
TABS 2000/250 653
TABS 2000/500 653
TABS 2000/5000 653
TABS Jr. 160 653
TABS Jr. 80 653
TABS Windows 653
Telecost (RSI) Hobic 653
TelElectronics HX Format - Pinstate DTR set to High 655 * This interface is to be used for newer versions of the Tel Interface where the DTR pin needs ot be set to high
TelElectronics Inn-Form Plus - HB 654
TelElectronics Inn-Form Plus - HX 653
TelElectronics Inn-Form Plus - MR 637
TelElectronics Inn-Form XL - HX 653
TelElectronics Inn-Form XL - MR 637
TelElectronics Tel Electronics PTS Workaround 949 *This Interface is only to be used as a workaround for Some Tel Electronics CA systems. Please write to [email protected] if you are unsure.
Toshiba Ultimate InnService for Strata CIX (Call Accounting) 653 *Please Note: If this interface is being used in conjunction with the Ultimate InnService for Strata CIX PBX interface, you will need to request one interface for PBX and one for Call Accounting as part of your build.
Total Tech. INNTEC 643
Trisys Tality 643
TriVium Systems CES 2.3 670 *Please Note: This is a UHLL Protocol Compliant Interface. Please make sure the installer loads the UHLL Protocol at setup time. If you have any questions, please write to [email protected]
Ultimate Hobic 653
Veramark All 661
Veramark Hobic 653
Veramark Holidex 653
Veramark Micros 637
Wren Communications Call Cost 100 653
Xeta Protocol Tech. Interface 653
Xeta Standard 651
Xeta Type 10 652
Xiox / Suma CHIPROH - List #958 653
Xiox / Suma ChoiceLink 631
Xiox / Suma FFI 635
Xiox / Suma Holidex 653
Xiox / Suma Lodging Software 643
Xiox / Suma PTI - List #960 653