Supported GSS Devices


Our Lodging Link product line supports hundreds of hotel Guest Service System (GSS) devices. Please choose a device class to view all the devices for that class.

Alternatively, you can conduct a text search by entering a specific manufacturer or model name to find GSS devices that match that criteria. Text searches are not case sensitive.

For DMM searches, use dmm:xxx where xxx is the DMM number you want to search for.

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Movie/Pay TV/VOD:

Manufacturer Model DMM Serial TCP/IP HTTP Notes
2M by Locatel ASIS 515
2M by Locatel Eclipse 515
2M by Locatel EyeCom (2M version) 515
2M by Locatel MegASIS 515
2M by Locatel MMC 515
2M by Locatel Nice 515
2M by Locatel Roombase 515
2M by Locatel Telenor 515
Acentic Hotel - TV System 570
Advanced Digital Broadcast CVS v3.1 519 *Please Note: This is a UHLL Protocol Compliant Interface. Please make sure the installer loads the UHLL Protocol at setup time. If you have any questions, please write to [email protected]
Allin Interactive DigiHD 17.5 322 *Please Note: This is a UHLL Protocol Compliant Interface. Please make sure the installer loads the UHLL Protocol at setup time. If you have any questions, please write to [email protected]
Amaya Gaming Group Mosino Entertainment System Rev 2.0 581 *Please Note: This is a UHLL Protocol Compliant Interface.
AzurDEV NOAN 598 *Please Note: This is a UHLL Protocol Compliant Interface. Please make sure the installer loads the UHLL Protocol at setup time. If you have any questions, please write to [email protected]
BeeSmart Movie System 559 This Interface uses the Oracle Micros Fidelio (FIAS) protocol.
ChoiceEXS VOD System 515 *Please Note: This system uses the Eclipse Movie System Protocol
CoxHN HNLV 511 *Note: Uses the On Command Protocol
Dalvi Technology Ltd Choice 24-7 541 *Please Note: This is a UHLL Protocol Compliant Interface. Please make sure the installer loads the UHLL Protocol at setup time. If you have any questions, please write to [email protected]
DIRECTV DRE MCS v3.33+ 535 *Please Note: We have been notified by Direct TV that they are no longer deploying the DRE system and as such this interface is only available for existing installations. No new installations will be supported. This is a UHLL Protocol Compliant Interface. Please make sure the installer loads the UHLL Protocol at setup time. If you have any questions, please write to [email protected].
Dish Network Evolve/HTV Connect 564
Enseo E3 511 *Note: Uses the On Command Protocol
Entertainment Solutions (Zafiro TV) Rev 1.0.0 507 *Please Note: This is a UHLL Protocol Compliant Interface. Please make sure the installer loads the UHLL Protocol at setup time. If you have any questions, please write to [email protected].
Eona Digital Entertainment System v1.50 (Serial Version) 556 *Please Note, this interface is the serial version and supports checksum and ACK/NAK. This device supports Movie Access Restrictions. Additionally, this interface supports Guest Name Change and Guest Message Text Online. This Interface uses the Oracle Micros Fidelio (FIAS) protocol.
Eona Digital Entertainment System v1.50 (TCP/IP Version) 555 *Please Note, this interface is the TCP/IP version and does not support checksum and ACK/NAK. This device supports Movie Access Restrictions. Additionally, this interface supports Guest Name Change and Guest Message Text Online. This Interface uses the Oracle Micros Fidelio (FIAS) protocol.
ETV Interactive Ltd ETVi 583 *Please Note: This is a UHLL Protocol Compliant Interface. Please make sure the installer loads the UHLL Protocol at setup time. If you have any questions, please write to [email protected]. This device supports many new features of the UHLL Addendum Specification. Please consult the newest version of the spec as well as our OCX downloads page.
Exceptional Innovation Andiago 5.0 536 *Please Note: This is a UHLL Protocol Compliant Interface. Please make sure the installer loads the UHLL Protocol at setup time. If you have any questions, please write to [email protected]
GalaVu Entertainment Inc. All 564
General Dynamics Interactive Intrigue Version 8.0 585 *Please Note: This is a UHLL Protocol Compliant Interface. Please make sure the installer loads the UHLL Protocol at setup time. If you have any questions, please write to [email protected]
Granda Systems Ascari Version 6.01 570
Guest Connect All 549 *Please Note: This is a UHLL Protocol Compliant Interface. Please make sure the installer loads the UHLL Protocol at setup time. If you have any questions, please write to [email protected]
Guest-Tek GlobalNet 975 *Please Note: This interface uses the On Command (OCV) Protocol
Hibox Systems Hibox Smartroom Server All Versions 548 *Please Note: This is a UHLL Protocol Compliant Interface. Please make sure the installer loads the UHLL Protocol at setup time. If you have any questions, please write to [email protected]
Hoist SHS Fusion IPTV 500 *Note: Uses the standard Fidelio protocol. The interface does not use ACK/NAK.
Hotwire Communications Fision Stay 549 *Please Note: This is a UHLL Protocol Compliant Interface. Please make sure the installer loads the UHLL Protocol at setup time. If you have any questions, please write to [email protected]
InfoValue Computing, Inc. SuiteTV Rev 2.4 571 *Please Note: This is a UHLL Protocol Compliant Interface. Please make sure the installer loads the UHLL Protocol at setup time. If you have any questions, please write to [email protected]. This device supports many new features of the UHLL Addendum Specification. Please consult the newest version of the spec as well as our OCX downloads page.
Insystcom Sealynx 3.0 540 This device also supports email, internet, folio view, checkout, room service, content delivery and business services *Please Note: This is a UHLL Protocol Compliant Interface. Please make sure the installer loads the UHLL Protocol at setup time. If you have any questions, please write to [email protected]
KoolConnect Technologies, Inc Intrigue Version 8.0 585 *Please Note: This is a UHLL Protocol Compliant Interface. Please make sure the installer loads the UHLL Protocol at setup time. If you have any questions, please write to [email protected]
Lifestyle Panel (LSP) V1.00 942 *Please Note: This is a UHLL Protocol Compliant Interface. Please make sure the installer loads the UHLL Protocol at setup time. If you have any questions, please write to [email protected]
Locatel Group Eclipse 515
Lodgenet BOI (Billing Only) 544 This interface now supports Resync functionality, as well as the UHLL Restrict Movie Message.
Lodgenet BOI+ (BIO with Folio View) 544 This interface now supports Resync functionality, as well as the UHLL Restrict Movie Message.
Lodgenet Lodgenet Simple Post 547 This interface now supports Resync functionality, as well as the UHLL Restrict Movie Message.This interface is a one way simple post message and uses UHLL Message 38 Post
Lodgenet Post By Station Number 546 This interface now supports Resync functionality.
Lodgenet VCO (BOI+ with X-Checkout) 544 This interface now supports Resync functionality, as well as the UHLL Restrict Movie Message.
MCOM Media Communications MCOM HOTstream PMS interface v.4.0 518 *Please Note: This is a UHLL Protocol Compliant Interface. Please make sure the installer loads the UHLL Protocol at setup time. If you have any questions, please write to [email protected]
Media Entertainment Networks Pay Video Systems 590
Microsense Networks LLC Msense 1.0 501 *Please Note: This is a UHLL Protocol Compliant Interface. Please make sure the installer loads the UHLL Protocol at setup time. If you have any questions, please write to [email protected]
Miracle TV Corp Cibertron - MiTV Communications Server 1.1 587 *Please Note: This is a UHLL Protocol Compliant Interface. Please make sure the installer loads the UHLL Protocol at setup time. If you have any questions, please write to [email protected]
MOOW LTD REST v3.0 588 *Please Note: This is a UHLL Protocol Compliant Interface. Please make sure the installer loads the UHLL Protocol at setup time. If you have any questions, please write to [email protected]
NEOS Interactive Ltd. NeosPMS version 6R10 576 This interface now supports Resync functionality. Additionally, this interface supports Guest Message Text Online.Additionally, support for Transaction ID and revenue Center have been added to the UHLL Post Message (38). This Interface uses the Oracle Micros Fidelio (FIAS) protocol.
NEOS Interactive Ltd. Version 4.0 575 This interface now supports Resync functionality. Additionally, this interface supports Guest Message Text Online. This Interface uses the Oracle Micros Fidelio (FIAS) protocol.
NetBridge (Samsung Lynk) Standard FIAS (TCP/IP). Software Version: NBIM V.1.0 503 This Interface uses the Oracle Micros Fidelio (FIAS) protocol.
Network Connection Inc. InnView 580 This interface supports Guest Message Text Online. This Interface uses the Oracle Micros Fidelio (FIAS) protocol.
nSTREAMS Hospitality ITV System 511 *Note: Uses the On Command Protocol
NXTV Application Server NXTVue25 542 *Please Note: This is a UHLL Protocol Compliant Interface. Please make sure the installer loads the UHLL Protocol at setup time. If you have any questions, please write to [email protected]
OnCommand DMM 511 Clone A 514 This interface is to be used, only when loading the standard On Command interface or any Movie interface using DMM 511, and you wish to have a second Movie System that uses the DMM 511 interface on the same LL unit.
OnCommand Marriott CFRC 513
OnCommand Multi-threaded 511
OnCommand Multi-Threaded Via Station Number 510
OnCommand OCX (WebTV) 511
OnCommand OCX (WebTV) Via Station Number 510
OnCommand Simple 512
Orbiss, Ltd Clarity (ALL VERSIONS) 551 *Please Note: This is a UHLL Protocol Compliant Interface. Please make sure the installer loads the UHLL Protocol at setup time. If you have any questions, please write to [email protected]
Orbiss, Ltd Speedway TV V 4.0 551 *Please Note: This is a UHLL Protocol Compliant Interface. Please make sure the installer loads the UHLL Protocol at setup time. If you have any questions, please write to [email protected]
Otrum Technology Ltd Guestlink (Global) 560
Otrum Technology Ltd Syscom 2, Syscom 3, Syscom 4 and Syscom 2000 560
Oxford Media Inc. OxfordSVI eMOD System 516 *Please Note: This is a UHLL Protocol Compliant Interface. Please make sure the installer loads the UHLL Protocol at setup time. If you have any questions, please write to [email protected]
P-Labor Movie System 539
People of Lava Sweden AB Lava Invit Version 1, Release 1.0.0 586 *Please Note: This is a UHLL Protocol Compliant Interface. Please make sure the installer loads the UHLL Protocol at setup time. If you have any questions, please write to [email protected].
Prodac Media AG Prodac Movie System 570
Quadriga (Formally Thorn) Genesis 560
Quadriga (Formally Thorn) Pay TV System 560
Roomlinx Supermicro X8ST3 523 *Please Note: This is a UHLL Protocol Compliant Interface. Please make sure the installer loads the UHLL Protocol at setup time. If you have any questions, please write to [email protected]
Roomster, Inc. RoomsterDVOD 520
SeaChange International GuestServe Hotel VOD (Video on Demand) 522
Select-TV Solutions Sdn Bhd PMSLink 582 *Please Note: This is a UHLL Protocol Compliant Interface. Please make sure the installer loads the UHLL Protocol at setup time. If you have any questions, please write to [email protected]. This device supports many new features of the UHLL Addendum Specification. Please consult the newest version of the spec as well as our OCX downloads page.
Smart Hospitality Corporation nSTREAMS HMS 511 *Note: Uses the On Command Protocol
SONIFI All 545
  • Similar to Lodgenet (DMM 544) but with enhanced functionality.
  • Must be configured to use enhanced Credit and Cash Checkins.
  • Standard Credit and Cash Checkins not supported.
  • Affinity Number not supported (Populated with blanks).
  • Can be configured for Standard or Enhanced Postings and Express Checkout.
SONIFI DMM 502 Clone A 506 This interface is to be used only when loading the SONIFI Standard FIAS interface, or any other interface using DMM 502, and you wish to have a second GSS device that uses the DMM 502 interface on the same LL unit.
SONIFI Standard FIAS 502 This Interface uses the Oracle Micros Fidelio (FIAS) protocol.
Spectradyne All 564
Tangerine Global Citrus 10.1.1 517 *Please Note: This is a UHLL Protocol Compliant Interface. Please make sure the installer loads the UHLL Protocol at setup time. If you have any questions, please write to [email protected]
Tech-Inter-Com MediaChannel 550
Telesys GuestNet 533
TELUS (Triple Crown) All 564
Time Warner All 522
Total Vision ALL Version 1.0 543 *Please Note: This is a UHLL Protocol Compliant Interface. Please make sure the installer loads the UHLL Protocol at setup time. If you have any questions, please write to [email protected]
UnykTV UnykTV 521 *Please Note: This is a UHLL Protocol Compliant Interface. Please make sure the installer loads the UHLL Protocol at setup time. If you have any questions, please write to [email protected]
Valuable Technologies Inc. MovieBeam VOD Service 599 *Please Note: This is a UHLL Protocol Compliant Interface. Please make sure the installer loads the UHLL Protocol at setup time. If you have any questions, please write to [email protected]
VDA Multimedia VDA HCS 595
Vianeos SAS Octopus 5.0.2 534 *Please Note: This is a UHLL Protocol Compliant Interface. Please make sure the installer loads the UHLL Protocol at setup time. If you have any questions, please write to [email protected]
Western Speedway 4.0 (Bi-Directional) Movie /Internet 552 *Please Note: This is a UHLL Protocol Compliant Interface. Please make sure the installer loads the UHLL Protocol at setup time. If you have any questions, please write to [email protected]
Western SpeedWay TV (unidirectional posting only) 551 *Please Note: This is a UHLL Protocol Compliant Interface. Please make sure the installer loads the UHLL Protocol at setup time. If you have any questions, please write to [email protected]
World Cinema WorldVue Standard 544